When you /support, put the percentage of how much you support.
Maximum is 100%. Minimum of 0%.
76% - 100% is green.
25% - 75% is yellow.
0% - 24% is red.
Below 40% support is considered a /against. 100% /AGAINST = 0% /SUPPORT, 99% /AGAINST = 1% /SUPPORT.
Above 60% support is considered a /support.
41% - 59% support/against is considered as /pending.
An applicant will be accepted if he has reached 300% support.
A /against is subtracted from the sum of support. (0
A /pending will be ignored. (lol)
A /support will be added to the total.
[COD5]DonkeyKong[DC]: 100%, /SUPPORT!
Fulu: 50%, /PENDING!
[COD5]Hunter123[DC]: 75% /AGAINST!
Sum total of support? 25%.
Hope you understand
Quoted by IAZZMS